you bet your ass i did!
here is the process:
Step 1. take everything off the bike.

( i know what you are thinking, it does look super bad ass naked, but i imagine that it wouldnt work too well in the rain/ mud like that.)
Step 2. lay all the stuff out.

Step 3. paint it with this spray on bedliner that i found at pep boys (I'll let you know how it holds up.)

here is a close up of the texture of the paint. it looks pretty tough, i hope it holds up.

Step 4. Put it back on the bike and look like you rode out of a Mad Max movie.

So sweet!
i am still trying to decide whether to paint the tank or not. I kinda like the visibility of the yellow tank and i also think it looks kinda cool having some color to the bike. also plastic is cheaper to replace if i decide i dont like the black than a tank is. i could also sell the tank for a dented up one and make a little money on the deal too. I dont have to decide today so it is fine for now. don't sweat the yellow faring out front, that will be vanishing soon and will be replaced by this!

8" racing light! that is huge and will be so bright. now to save up another $275. i was talking with a guy on Advrider and he said it was a direct plug in operation. i am not sure what that means to someone who sucks as much as i do on the mechanical front but ill let you know.