I went with the 19" so that it wouldn't look too obviously Motarded. i like the look and think it looks "correct" on the bike.
I got the wheel form the guys at Procycle ( http://www.procycle-online.com/ ). they were very cool and informative and everything arrived on time and exactly as promised. i dont know if they were the cheapest but i couldnt find a better deal, it seems liek everything costs about the same ($500 for a wheel). stock suzuki hub laced with Buchannon spokes to an Excel hub. looks good and is totally round. ha. check it out!

i also got an Acerbis universal SM front fender:

which i totally butchered trying to fit to the bike. the first two holes were perfect and beautiful, and it all went south from there. making it centered is hard and it isnt helped by the fact that i am a horrible mechanic. look at this!

Horrible. but on the bike it looks good.
Next step was losing that stock tail light and the rear fender.
I ordered a 350 tail light from kientech. tore all the other stuff off and bolted it on. easy as that.

the Roommate came up with a cool way to hang the license plate. check it out:

just two L brackets that bolt right into the holes that held the plate hanger on. easy and i just used the bolts that came on the bike.
the guys at Procycle also sent me a new rear tire. Avon Distanzias. they rock. i had to go to Speed Motorcycles here in NYC to get it on since i dont know how to do that and don;t really feel like experimenting on the new bike. I'll learn how to do it eventually but not today. $50 bucks well spent in my book but i am determined to figure it out.
Took the bike to bear Mountain to try it all out and scrub the tires in. I am pretty sure that i was getting my shoulder down, but maybe i am exaggerating a little...
more in a bit.
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