Friday, August 31, 2007


so i was reading this thread on adventure rider last night for about 2 hours and got some good ideas for the mistress:
some really good stuff here.

in the last post i was trying to decide what was going to come next, stainless steel brake line for the front or a replacement tail light. guess what won out?

it is the tail light from a DRZ250, it is a perfect fit to replace the stock 650 item and it just fits so much better that the original.

yeah, i know it is form over function but i just hate the look of the stock tail all together. just too much shit going on back there. so this is step one. i called Jesse at keintech ( ) it was kind of funny talking to him since i have read so much about him on the thumpertalk forums. he is a really nice guy, got back to me really quickly and said i should be seeing the tail light by next week. the light only costs $39.50 so it was easy for me to justify, after all it has been so long since i spent any money on the bike!

now i just have to find a good way to mount the license plate. i kind of like the simple 'bolt it to the fender' look, but i have also seen some neat brackets for hanging it off the back. ill do some more research and post what i come up with. i am really excited to start putting some of this junk on the bike. it'll be fun to show some of the process here.

stay tuned!

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